1976 USA Olympic Team



Strength and Power Hall Of Fame


1976 Olympic Team


The 1976 Olympics were held in Montreal Canada from 7/17-8/11/1976. Weightlifting consisted of 9 weight classes 52kg, 56kg, 60kg, 67.5kg, 75kg, 82.5kg, 90kg, 110kg and +110kg. The competition for all weight classes was held on 7/18-27/1976 at the St. Michael Arena. This was the first 2 lift Olympics and the first to test for steroids.  The Team Coach was Tommy Kono and the Team Manager was Rudy Sablo.


The Athletes


Bruce Wilhelm


Bruce started lifting about 1960 for high school sports and excelled in the shot and discuss. In 1963 Bruce won the Golden West Invitational Shot put for high schoolers.  At Stanford Bruce competed in the shot and discuss and was the 1965 Pac 10 Champion in heavyweight wrestling. Bruce was world class in the shot and ranked 3rd in the US in 1970 and 1973. Bruce focused on Weightlifting in 1973 and became the first American to snatch 400lbs in 1977. Bruce was a 2X Senior National Champion, Olympian, and Pan American Games Silver Medalist. After retiring from competitive lifting Bruce became the first World’s Strongest Man in 1977 and won again in 1978. Bruce served on the Executive Board of the US Olympic Committee and was a weightlifting television commentator.


2nd Superheavyweight 1974 Senior Nationals

1st Superheavyweight 1975 Senior Nationals

2nd Superheavyweight 1975 Pan American Games

7th Superheavyweight 1975 World Championships

1st Superheavyweight 1976 Senior Nationals

5th Superheavyweight 1976 Olympic Games

5th Superheavyweight 1977 World Championships

5th Superheavyweight 1977 Friendship Cup






Sam Walker


In high school Sam was a football all-state fullback. Sam also held the high school national record in the shot and was the first high school student to throw 70 feet.  He was US ranked 9 times in the shot with a top ranking of 4th in 1975. Sam competed in the 1972 and 1980 Olympic Trials in the shot and was a top ranked competitor during those years. Always strong and a good lifter Sam began concentrating on weightlifting in 1974 winning the Junior Nationals. Sam was one of the founders of the Richardson Texas Spoon Barbell Club. Sam was an Olympian and a Senior and Junior National Champion.


4th Superheavyweight 1974 Senior Nationals

1st Superheavyweight 1974 Junior Nationals

4th Superheavyweight 1975 Senior Nationals

2nd Superheavyweight 1976 Senior Nationals

9th Superheavyweight 1976 Olympic Games

1st Superheavyweight 1977 Senior Nationals

3rd 242lb class 1979 Senior Nationals


Gary Drinnon


Gary started lifting including competing in 1967 while in High School. After graduating from college in 1972 Gary lifted for the York Barbell Club.


2nd 198lb class 1973 Junior Nationals

4th 242lb class 1974 Senior Nationals

2nd 242lb class 1974 Junior Nationals

3rd 242lb class 1975 Junior Nationals

2nd 242lb class 1976 Senior Nationals

1st 242lb class 1976 Junior Nationals

12th 242lb class 1976 Olympic Games

4th 242lb class 1977 Senior Nationals


Sam Bigler


Sam started lifting about 1964 and started competing in 1965. After finishing 4th at the 1965 Teenage Nationals Sam was drafted and was in the military for the next three years. Sam is from Pennsylvania and lifted for the York Barbell Club. Sam was a Junior and Senior National Champion, Olympian, National Collegiate Champion and a 5X Pennsylvania State Champion.


4th 148lb class 1966 Teenage Nationals

2nd 181lb class 1970 Junior Nationals

1st 181lb class 1970 National Collegiates

1st 198lb class 1971 National Collegiates

1st 181lb class 1972 Junior Nationals

4th 181lb class 1972 Senior Nationals

1st 198lb class 1972 National Collegiates

1st 242lb class 1973 National Collegiates

2nd 198lb class 1973 Senior Nationals

2nd 181lb class 1974 Senior Nationals

1st 181lb class 1976 Senior Nationals

10th 181lb class 1976 Olympic Games

2nd 181lb class 1977 Senior Nationals



Mark Cameron


Mark started lifting in the late 1960’s. After a few contests he met Joe Mills and joined the Central Falls Weightlifting Club. Later he lifted for the York Barbell Club. Mark is a 2X Olympian, 6X Senior National Champion and the lightest American lifter to C&J 500lbs (501 1/2lbs 1/13/1980 Allentown Pa.)


1st 181lb class 1971 Teenage Nationals

1st 181lb class 1972 Teenage Nationals

4th 181lb class 1972 Junior Nationals

3rd 198lb class 1973 Jr. Nationals

4th 198lb class 1973 Senior Nationals

1st 198lb class 1974 Jr. Nationals

1st 198lb class 1974 North American Weightlifting Championships

3rd 198lb class 1974 Senior Nationals

13th 198lb class 1974 World Championships

1st 242lb class 1975 Senior Nationals

5th 242lb class 1975 World Championships

2nd 242lb class 1975 Pan American Games

1st 242lb class 1976 Senior Nationals

5th 242lb class 1976 Olympic Games

1st 220lb class 1977 Senior Nationals

4th 220lb class 1977 World Championships

1st 242lb class 1978 Senior Nationals

6th 242lb class 1978 Friendship Cup

1st 242lb class 1979 Senior Nationals

1st 242lb class 1979 Pan American Games

4th 242lb class 1979 Tokyo International

6th 242lb class 1979 World Championships

1st 242lb class 1980 Senior Nationals

      242lb class 1980 Olympics (Boycott)


1975 Strength and Health Weightlifter of the year.

USAW Hall of Fame

Chairman Board of Directors USAW 2008-2010

Set 26 National Records

Bronze medal C&J 1977 World Championships

Only American lifter to defeat a black bear in wrestling.



Lee James Jr.



Lee started lifting at 15 in 1969. Lee began training to gain weight and size for high school sports. However, once Lee discovered Weightlifting he discovered his true passion. Lee won many local, state and regional meets early in his career. Lee had no formal coaching until he was able to train at York Barbell. Lee was in the Army and Bob Crist National Weightlifting Chairman and John Terpak of York Barbell persuaded the Army to allow Lee to train at York. Once at York Dick “Smitty” Smith became Lee’s coach and his lifting immediately improved. Lee earned an Olympic Silver Medal in 1976, won the Pan Am Games in 1975 and was a 2X Senior National Champion. Lee also represented the United States in 2 World Championships and several International tournaments. Lee set several national records during his career and was Weightlifter of the Year in 1976.


2nd 181lb class 1974 Junior Nationals

4th 181lb class 1974 Senior Nationals

8th 181lb class 1974 World Championships

1st 181lb class 1975 Philadelphia Open

2nd 181lb class 1975 Senior Nationals

13th 181lb class 1975 World Championships

3rd 198lb class 1975 Pre-Olympic Tournament

3rd 198lb class 1975 Europe VS America’s

1st 181lb class 1975 Pan American Games

1st 198lb class 1976 Senior Nationals

2nd 198lb class 1976 Olympics

1st 198lb class 1978 Senior Nationals

4th 198lb class Friendship Cup





Dan Cantore


Dan started lifting in 1964 when Bob Hise III invited Dan and his brother Jim to train at the downtown Los Angeles YMCA.  Dan had excellent coaching and quickly learned the 3 lifts. Dan competed in his first contest in October of 1964. Dan lifted for the L.A. YMCA and later for the Sports Palace Team in San Francisco. Dan was one of the best 148lb lifters of all time. Dan was a 5X Senior National Champion, 2X Olympian, Pan American silver medalist, set American Records and was 1973 Strength and Health Weightlifter of the year


1st 123lb class 1966 Junior Nationals

3rd 132lb class 1967 Senior Nationals

2nd 132lb class 1968 Senior Nationals

2nd 148lb class 1969 Senior Nationals

1st 148lb class 1969 Tournament of the Americas

2nd 148lb class 1970 Senior Nationals

1st 148lb class 1972 Senior Nationals

9th 148lb class 1972 Olympic Games

1st 148lb class 1973 Senior Nationals

7th 148lb class 1973 World Championships

1st 148lb class 1974 Senior Nationals

6th 148lb class 1974 World Championships

9th 148lb class 1974 Friendship Cup

1st 148lb class 1975 Senior Nationals

2nd 148lb class 1975 Pan American Games

16th 148lb class 1975 World Championships

1st 148lb class 1976 Senior Nationals

11th 148lb class 1976 Olympic Games

3rd 165lb class 1977 Senior Nationals


Phillip “Phil” Grippaldi


Phil began training in the early 1960’s and was coached by Butch Toth and later Mike Huszka. Phil is a 3X Olympian, 3X Pan American Gold Medalist, 6X Senior National Champion and a World Championships Silver Medalist.


1st 198lb class 1965 Teenage Nationals

4th 198lb class 1965 Jr Nationals

1st 198lb class 1966 Teenage Nationals

2nd 198lb class 1966 Jr Nationals

2nd 198lb class 1966 Senior Nationals

2nd 198lb class 1966 North American Championships

1st 198lb class 1967 Jr Nationals

1st 198lb class 1967 Senior Nationals

1st 198lb class 1967 Philadelphia Open

4th 198lb class 1967 Little Olympics

1st Heavyweight 1967 YMCA Nationals

1st 198lb class 1967 Pan American Games

1st 198lb class 1968 Senior Nationals

1st 198lb class 1968 Olympic Tryouts

7th 198lb class 1968 Olympic Games

5th 198lb class 1969 World Championships

2nd 198lb class 1969 Senior Nationals

1st 198lb class 1970 Senior Nationals

2nd 198lb class 1970 World Championships

1st 198lb class 1971 Philadelphia Open

2nd 198lb class 1971 Senior Nationals

5th 198lb class 1971 World Championships

1st 198lb class 1971 Pan American Games

2nd 198lb class 1972 Senior Nationals

3rd 198lb class 1972 Pre-Olympic Tournament

4th 198lb class 1972 Olympic Games

1st 198lb class 1973 Senior Nationals

9th 198lb class 1973 World Championships

1st 198lb class 1974 Senior Nationals

5th 198lb class 1974 World Championships

6th 198lb class 1974 Friendship Cup

1st 198lb class 1975 Philadelphia Open

      198lb class 1975 Senior Nationals

10th 198lb class 1975 World Championships

2nd 198lb class 1976 Senior Nationals

4th 198lb class 1976 Olympics


1970 & 1974 Strength and Health Weightlifter of the Year

USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame

Set 3 Teen-Age World Records in the Press

Only US 198lb lifter to officially Clean and Press 400lbs 4/1972

Set several teen-age and senior American Records








Fred Lowe


Fred began lifting in 1965. Fred was an international class athlete as a young lifter and as a master lifter. Fred is a 3X Olympian, 3X World Championships team member a 8X Senior National Champion and a 9X World Masters Champion. Fred has coached lifters for years and continues to do so.


2nd 165lb class 1966 Teenage Nationals

1st 165lb class 1967 Teenage Nationals

1st 165lb class 1967 Jr Nationals

8th 165lb class 1968 Olympics

1st 165lb class 1968 YMCA Nationals

1st 165lb class 1969 Senior Nationals

      165lb class 1969 World Championships

1st 165lb class 1970 Senior Nationals

      165lb class 1970 World Championships

1st 165lb class 1972 Senior Nationals

9th 165lb class 1972 Olympics

1st 165lb class 1973 Senior Nationals

      165lb class 1973 World Championships

1st 165lb class 1974 Senior Nationals

1st 165lb class 1975 Senior Nationals

1st 165lb class 1976 Senior Nationals

11th 165lb class 1976 Olympics

1st 165lb class 1981 Senior Nationals


USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame

1st US 165lb lifter to C&J 400lbs 1981

IWF Category 1 Technical Official

Set several National senior and masters records

Set several Masters World Records











Author: By Strength and Power Hall of Fame Completed: yes Created: Sat Jan 18 14:51:58 UTC 2025 | Last Updated: Sat Jan 18 15:05:04 UTC 2025