Jim Burton Florida Strength and Power HoF inductee 2023

By Strength and Power Hall of Fame

Personal history:
Started competing in 2011, have won all my meets. Won my first World Championship Meet in 2013, three more since then. My 460 in June ranks me third for all time in the 220lb class, 75-79 age group. Top lift is 474, which I plan on breaking once I get my heart issues under control, which I will.

What led you to your sport:
Started lifting in HS to gain weight for football; I was literally a 120lb weakling. That was 1962, and our coaches told us not to lift weights, and there was no personal trainers, so my training was trial-and-error, mostly error. I've been lifting ever since. Started shoeing horses in my early 20's, and to stop squatting and deadlifting in my late 20's due to back issues. Competed in bench only for several years, but I was just average; could consistently do 330lbs in a meet lifting in the 198lb class. I have always worked out at home, and when we moved to Florida in 2008 I started doing sumo deadlifts to mainly work my legs. When I got up to deadlifting 405lbs and I decided I should Compete again in deadlift only. My first meet was in 2011, and been competing ever since.

Achievements in your sport:
Best lifter twice. Undefeated. Made wonderful friends. Top rankings on openpowerlifting.org. Have been told I'm an inspiration; one of my goals. My 460 DL is third best of all time on openpowerlifting.org

State, National and World records:
Florida State 198 - 65-69 - 450lbs 220 - 65-69 - 455lbs 220 - 70-74 - 445lbs 220 - 75-79 - 460lbs National 198 - 65-69 - 450lbs 220 - 65-69 - 420lbs 220 - 70- 74 - 445lbs 220 - 75-79 - 460lbs 242 - 70-74 - 465lbs World 198 - 65-69 - 450lbs 220 - 65-69 - 420lbs 220 - 70-74 - 445lbs 242 - 70-74 - 455lbs

Other accomplishments:
Was a sprinter my senior year of HS. Finished 4th in the 100 and 220 yard dashes in the South NJ state meet, and ran a 22.3 in the 220 at the league championship meet.

Other activities within the sport:
I volunteered to put the WNPF meet results into openpowerlifting.org. I want the lifters to be able to see how they rank Nationaly, and in the world. I have a page on FB called Jims' Deadlift Dungeon, and I post videos of my training, and meets. I want to be an inspiration to as many people as I can, but mainly seniors. I tell people all the time, I'm getting older, not old; there is a difference. Worked at LA Fitness for a few years training people and trying to be a good influence.


Author: By Strength and Power Hall of Fame Completed: yes Created: Sat Aug 19 03:33:40 UTC 2023 | Last Updated: Sun Dec 24 17:06:01 UTC 2023