Anthony "Tony" Iovine New York Strength and Power Hall of Fame inductee 2020

by Strength and Power Hall of Fame

“Tony” Iovine is a NYS Special Olympic powerlifter with a developmental disability.  But that hasn’t stopped Tony from becoming one of the most decorated powerlifters in NYS history. Tony has been dedicated to the sport of powerlifting for nearly three decades; and has nearly one hundred gold, silver, and bronze medals to prove it.

Tony has also competed in the RAW Powerlifting Federation and has several state records to his name. One of Tony’s proudest moments is when he lifts twice his body weight in the deadlift competition. 

When Tony is not attending the Special Olympic powerlifting sessions at the High School, you can catch him at the Johnson City YMCA working out on his own.

Anthony lives in an “Achieve” supportive apartment by himself and requires very limited assistance. Living in supportive housing Tony is expected to live, and do, everything independently. One of those activities is getting to and from his Powerlifting sessions. Tony is always the first one at the gym although, he walks nearly two and one-half miles to get there. The High School is at the top of a steep grade but, Tony is always there regardless of rain, heat, or snow.

Anthony Iovine has been an inspiration to his power-lifting teammates and his coaches; and is always open to new challenges in the “sport of Strength”.

Author: By Strength and Power Hall of Fame Completed: yes Created: Sun Jul 19 15:55:41 UTC 2020 | Last Updated: Thu Dec 21 16:28:15 UTC 2023