Roy Apseloff Virginia Strength and Power Hall of Fame inductee 2018

By Strength and Power Hall of Fame

Roy Apseloff was born in Cincinnati and raised in Kent, Ohio, the eldest of four children, all athletic.  Roy began his athletic career as a sprinter on the junior and senior high school track teams, serving as Captain of the junior high team in 9th grade and again as a senior in 12th grade.  Upon moving to Kent Roosevelt Senior High school at the start of his sophomore year (7-9th grades were then middle school), Roy began lifting weights on the old Universal weight machine, doubling his strength in his sophomore academic year.  Upon arrival at Cornell University, Roy became one of the founding members of the Cornell University Weightlifting Club.  He continued to powerlift throughout college and during his years of commissioned service in the United States Navy.  He subsequently left active duty for civilian service with the Defense Intelligence Agency while remaining in the Navy Reserve, accumulating 23 years of active and reserve Navy service and 33 years civilian service to the U.S. Government.  He powerlifted throughout his busy military and civilian career, achieving gym lift PRs of a 500 lb squat, 340 lb bench press, and 525 lb deadlift at 165-175 lbs.  His work and travel schedule, mostly to the Mideast, precluded an active powerlifting career.  He retired as a member of the Senior Executive Service in 2013 and dedicated himself to Master’s powerlifting and to coaching his son Nick, who established eight world records in the bench press from age 14-20 in weight classes 165-198, all raw and drug-free.  He also won three consecutive AAU Junior Olympic gold medals in the bench press.  Nick’s best lift was an IPA junior world record bench press of 422.5 lbs at 198 at age 20.  He then did a touch and go in the gym at 440 lbs. 

  Roy’s powerlifting career began as a Master lifter after his retirement.  In 2014 at the 100% Raw Powerlifting world championships in November he deadlifted 500.25 lbs for the world championship and world record in the 198 lb 55-59 age class.  In January 2015 he deadlifted 529.1 lbs, eclipsing his 525 lb PR while in his thirties.  He went on to win another 100% Raw Powerlifting world championship in October 2015 with a 541.2 lb deadlift.  In October 2016 at the 100%, Raw world championship meet he raised the world record to 575.4 lbs.  In August 2017 he raised the 100% Raw deadlift world record to 580.9 lbs, all at 198 and 55-59 age group.  He won his fourth consecutive 100% Raw Powerlifting world championship in October 2017 with a 573.2 lb lift at age 60 for another 198 lb class world record.

 At age 60 in November 2017 lifting in the IPA at York Barbell in York, PA, Roy deadlifted 585 lbs at 198 for the world record in that federation.  In March 2018, lifting in the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation, Roy deadlifted 600.75 lbs at 198 lbs, for a triple bodyweight deadlift at 60 and another world record.  In May 2018, again at 198 and 60 years old he squatted 402 lbs, bench pressed 243 lbs, and deadlifted 562.1 lbs for a 1207 lb total; the deadlift and total are 100% Raw Powerlifting federation full power world records. 

 In his Master’s powerlifting career Roy has set 26 world records in the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation and the International Powerlifting Association, as well as a national record in the deadlift in USAPL.  Roy credits this progress to the help he’s received from his two coaches, Pete Miller and Shane Sweatt, and his loving wife Melanie, who is an elite CrossFit athlete competing in the 50-55 age group.  Melanie is an expert on nutrition and CrossFit movements and has provided much-needed advice to Roy.  Shane is a Westside Conjugate disciple; Roy primarily trains Westside Conjugate now.  He continues to compete at age 61.


Author: by Strength and Power Hall of Fame Completed: yes Created: Sun May 17 21:32:15 UTC 2020 | Last Updated: Thu Dec 21 16:24:18 UTC 2023